Monday, 23 April 2007

Are You Self-Employed need Health Insurance

Another alternative for self-employed persons looking for affordable health insurance is to look towards the state department of health insurance about small business plans. Reasonable health insurance is not easy to find when you have to look for an individual insurance policy to purchase for your family.

As a matter of fact, you do need health insurance and there are plenty of places that will help you get affordable coverage. Dread diseases and terminal illnesses such as heart transplants, cancer, hiv, and the like are usually extra expenses in your plan. As a matter of fact, if you look hard enough, you can find just about anything, even low-priced health insurance.

Coverage under a new employer's health insurance plan should start immediately if the company is reputable. Find out definetly what day the coverage starts after you are hired, so medical visits will be scheduled as far in advance as possible.

Coverage under a health insurance plan provided by your spouse can be tricky if you also have coverage provided under your company as well. A deductible is the fee you pay to a doctor or hospital before your own health insurance provider pays any of the expenses.

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